Square well model

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The square well model is given by

where is the intermolecular pair potential, is the well depth, is the distance between site 1 and site 2 , σ is the hard diameter and λ > 1.

Equation of state

Main article: Equations of state for the square well model

Virial coefficients

Main article: Square well potential: virial coefficients

Liquid-vapour coexistence

Critical point

Direct correlation function

For the direct correlation function see:


  1. J. A. Barker and D. Henderson "Perturbation Theory and Equation of State for Fluids: The Square-Well Potential", Journal of Chemical Physics 47 pp. 2856-2861 (1967)
  2. Kraemer D. Luks and John J. Kozak "The Statistical Mechanics of Square-Well Fluids", Advances in Chemical Physics 37 chapter 4 pp. 139-201 (1978)
  3. Elisabeth Schöll-Paschinger, Ana Laura Benavides and Ramon Castañeda-Priego "Vapor-liquid equilibrium and critical behavior of the square-well fluid of variable range: A theoretical study", Journal of Chemical Physics 123 234513 (2005)
  4. R. López-Rendón, Y. Reyes and P. Orea "Thermodynamic properties of short-range square well fluid", Journal of Chemical Physics 125 084508 (2006)