Mean spherical approximation

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The mean spherical approximation (MSA) closure relation of Lebowitz and Percus is given by [1]:

In the Blum and Høye mean spherical approximation for mixtures the closure is given by [2] [3]:


where and are the total and the direct correlation functions for two spherical molecules of and species, is the diameter of species of molecule. Duh and Haymet (Eq. 9 in [4]) write the MSA approximation as

where and comes from the Weeks-Chandler-Andersen division of the Lennard-Jones potential. By introducing the definition (Eq. 10 in [4])

one can arrive at (Eq. 11 in [4])

The Percus Yevick approximation may be recovered from the above equation by setting .

Thermodynamic consistency

