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#[  J. L. Lebowitz and J. K. Percus "Mean Spherical Model for Lattice Gases with Extended Hard Cores and Continuum Fluids", Physical Review '''144''' pp. 251 - 258 (1966)]

Revision as of 14:29, 28 February 2007

The Lebowitz and Percus mean spherical approximation (MSA) (1966) (Ref. 1) closure is given by

The Blum and Hoye mean spherical approximation (MSA) (1978-1980) (Refs 2 and 3) closure is given by


where and are the total and the direct correlation functions for two spherical molecules of i and j species, is the diameter of 'i species of molecule. Duh and Haymet (Eq. 9 Ref. 4) write the MSA approximation as

where and comes from the WCA division of the Lennard-Jones potential. By introducing the definition (Eq. 10 Ref. 4)

one can arrive at (Eq. 11 in Ref. 4)

The Percus Yevick approximation may be recovered from the above equation by setting .


  1. J. L. Lebowitz and J. K. Percus "Mean Spherical Model for Lattice Gases with Extended Hard Cores and Continuum Fluids", Physical Review 144 pp. 251 - 258 (1966)
  2. [
  3. [
  1. [JSP_1978_19_0317_nolotengoSpringer]
  2. [JSP_1980_22_0661_nolotengoSpringer]
  3. Der-Ming Duh and A. D. J. Haymet "Integral equation theory for uncharged liquids: The Lennard-Jones fluid and the bridge function", Journal of Chemical Physics 103 pp. 2625-2633 (1995)