Lennard-Jones disks

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Lennard-Jones disks is a system composed of Lennard-Jones sites in two-dimensions.

Liquid-gas critical point

  1. A. D. Bruce and N. B. Wilding "Scaling fields and universality of the liquid-gas critical point", Physical Review Letters 68 pp. 193-196 (1992)
  2. N. B. Wilding and A. D. Bruce "Density fluctuations and field mixing in the critical fluid", Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 4 pp. 3087-3108 (1992)

Melting transition

  1. Farid F. Abraham "Melting in Two Dimensions is First Order: An Isothermal-Isobaric Monte Carlo Study", Physical Review Letters 44 pp. 463-466 (1980)
  2. Farid F. Abraham "Two-dimensional melting, solid-state stability, and the Kosterlitz-Thouless-Feynman criterion", Physical Review B 23 pp. 6145-6148 (1981)


  1. Paul L. Fehder "Molecular Dynamics Studies of the Microscopic Properties of Dense Fluids", Journal of Chemical Physics 50 pp. 2617- (1969)
  2. Paul L. Fehder ""Anomalies" in the Radial Distribution Functions for Simple Liquids", Journal of Chemical Physics 52 pp. 791- (1970)
  3. F. Tsien and J. P. Valleau "A Monte Carlo study of the two-dimensional Lennard-Jones system", Molecular Physics 27 pp. 177-183 (1974)
  4. Katherine J. Strandburg, John A. Zollweg, and G. V. Chester "Bond-angular order in two-dimensional Lennard-Jones and hard-disk systems", Physical Review B 30 pp. 2755 - 2759 (1984)
  5. Mantu Santra, Suman Chakrabarty, and Biman Bagchi "Gas-liquid nucleation in a two dimensional system", Journal of Chemical Physics 129 234704 (2008)