Clebsch-Gordan coefficients

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The Clebsch-Gordan coefficients are defined by

where and satisfies for . They are used to integrate products of three spherical harmonics (for example the addition of angular momenta). The Clebsch-Gordan coefficients are sometimes expressed using the related Racah V-coefficients, (See also the Racah W-coefficients, sometimes simply called the Racah coefficients).


  1. Giulio Racah "Theory of Complex Spectra. II", Physical Review 62 pp. 438-462 (1942)
  2. Taro Shimpuku "General Theory and Numerical Tables of Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients", Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 13 pp. 1-135 (1960)
  3. M. E. Rose "Elementary theory of angular momentum", John Wiley & Sons (1967) Appendix I
  4. Robert E. Beck and Bernard Kolman "Racah's outer multiplicity formula", Computer Physics Communications 8 pp. 95-100 (1974)