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Revision as of 13:07, 4 March 2008 by Carl McBride (talk | contribs) (Added signature)
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Dear Dduque, I am not sure if we should include the general encyclopedic wiki "Scholarpedia" on our wikinode (unless, of course, it has a strong page/s on stat. mech. or thermo.). The WikiNodes project suggests not to link to utilities. What we are really looking for are more neighbours. All the best -- Carl McBride (talk) 11:24, 3 March 2008 (CET)

Actually, I had this impulse upon reading a nice entry about the van der Pol oscillator. I assumed more pages like this one could be interesting, but it turns out most of them are devoted to nonlinear science and computing. So, the connection is not so strong. I suppose the link could be erased. Best --Dduque 22:28, 3 March 2008 (CET)

I agree, the Scholarpedia pages that I have seen really are quite good. Interestingly they also seem to have implemented a number of special extension functions to manage their users/scholars. -- Carl McBride (talk) 13:07, 4 March 2008 (CET)