Liquid crystals
- Discotic liquid crystals
- Frank elastic constants
- History of liquid crystals
- Ionic liquid crystals
- Odd-even effect
- Onsager theory
- Order parameters
- Side-chain liquid crystals
- Thermotropic and lyotropic liquid crystals
- Isotropic-nematic phase transition
- Nematic-smectic phase transition
- Maier-Saupe mean field model
- Kobayashi-McMillan smectic theory
- Humphries, James and Luckhurst mean field model
- Lebwohl-Lasher model
Site-site potentials
- Hard ellipsoids
- Hard spherocylinders
- Tangent linear hard sphere chains
- Rigid fully flexible fused hard sphere model (RFFFHS)
- Single site anisotropic soft-core potential
- Gay-Berne model