Reference interaction-site model

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The reference interaction-site model (RISM)

Inhomogeneous RISM

Polymer RISM

The RISM formalism has also been applied to polymers. Polymer RISM is usually known as PRISM.

  1. Kenneth S. Schweizer and John G. Curro "Integral-equation theory of the structure of polymer melts", Physical Review Letters 58 pp. 246-249 (1987)


  1. Hans C. Andersen and David Chandler "Mode Expansion in Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics. I. General Theory and Application to the Classical Electron Gas", Journal of Chemical Physics 53 pp. 547-554 (1970)
  2. Hans C. Andersen and David Chandler "Optimized Cluster Expansions for Classical Fluids. I. General Theory and Variational Formulation of the Mean Spherical Model and Hard Sphere Percus-Yevick Equations", Journal of Chemical Physics 57 pp. 1918-1929 (1972)
  3. David Chandler and Hans C. Andersen "Optimized Cluster Expansions for Classical Fluids. II. Theory of Molecular Liquids", Journal of Chemical Physics 57 pp. 1930- (1972)
  4. Hans C. Andersen, David Chandler and John D. Weeks "Optimized Cluster Expansions for Classical Fluids. III. Applications to Ionic Solutions and Simple Liquids", Journal of Chemical Physics 57 pp. 2626- (1972)