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The Lennard-Jones model for argon.

Argon has a mass of 39.948 umas. The Lennard-Jones parameters for liquid argon are 119.8 K and 0.3405 nm. (Ref. 1). Barker, Fisher and Watts used the values 142.095 K and 0.33605 nm. (Ref. 2 Table 1).


  1. L. A. Rowley, D. Nicholson and N. G. Parsonage "Monte Carlo grand canonical ensemble calculation in a gas-liquid transition region for 12-6 Argon", Journal of Computational Physics 17 pp. 401-414 (1975)
  2. J. A. Barker, R. A. Fisher and R. O. Watts "Liquid argon: Monte carlo and molecular dynamics calculations", Molecular Physics 21 pp. 657-673 (1971)