SklogWiki:General disclaimer

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Revision as of 14:14, 30 October 2007 by Carl McBride (talk | contribs)
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SklogWiki is an online open-content collaborative project, that is, a voluntary association of individuals and groups working to develop a common resource of human knowledge. The structure of the project allows anyone with an Internet connection to alter its content. Please be advised that nothing found here has necessarily been reviewed by people with the expertise required to provide you with complete, accurate or reliable information.

If you intend to use ANY of the numbers or equations found in SklogWiki you MUST take them from the original published article or book, and cite the source accordingly.

Source code

There is no warranty for any of the computer source code published in SklogWiki, including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is with yourself. Should this program prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction.