Ice V

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This article is a 'stub' about water and/or ice. It has no, or next to no, content. It is here at the moment to help form part of the structure of SklogWiki. If you add material to this article, remove the {{Stub-water}} template from this page.

Ice V was discovered by the Nobel prize winner Percy Williams Bridgman in 1912 (Ref. 1). Ice V has a monoclinic unit cell containing 28 molecules (Ref. 2). Ice V is partially proton disordered.


  1. Percy Williams Bridgman "Water in the liquid and five solid forms, under pressure", Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences XLVII pp. 441-558 (1912)
  2. B. Kamb, A. Prakash and C. Knobler "Structure of ice V", Acta Crystallographica 22 pp. 706-715 (1967)
  3. Carlos Vega, Carl McBride, Eduardo Sanz and Jose L. F. Abascal "Radial distribution functions and densities for the SPC/E, TIP4P and TIP5P models for liquid water and ices Ih, Ic, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, XI and XII", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 7 pp. 1450 - 1456 (2005)