Fermi-Pasta-Ulam experiment
- Enrico Fermi and John R. Pasta and Stanislaw M. Ulam "Studies of the nonlinear problems", Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Report LA-1940 (1955)
- Thierry Dauxois, Michel Peyrard and Stefano Ruffo "The Fermi–Pasta–Ulam 'numerical experiment': history and pedagogical perspectives", European Journal of Physics 26 pp. S3-S11 (2005)
- Mark Buchanan "Capturing chaos", Nature 435 p. 281 (2005)
See Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science , March 2005 "FOCUS ISSUE: THE "FERMI-PASTA-ULAM" PROBLEM-THE FIRST 50 YEARS":