Voronoi cells
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- Nikolai N. Medvedev, Alfons Geiger and Witold Brostow "Distinguishing liquids from amorphous solids: Percolation analysis on the Voronoi network", Journal of Chemical Physics 93 pp. 8337-8342 (1990)
- J. C. Gil Montoro and J. L. F. Abascal "The Voronoi polyhedra as tools for structure determination in simple disordered systems", Journal of Physical Chemistry 97 pp. 4211 - 4215 (1993)
- V. Senthil Kumar and V. Kumaran "Voronoi cell volume distribution and configurational entropy of hard-spheres", Journal of Chemical Physics 123 114501 (2005)
- V. Senthil Kumar and V. Kumaran "Voronoi neighbor statistics of hard-disks and hard-spheres", Journal of Chemical Physics 123 074502 (2005)