CF model of water
The central-force model for water (or CF1).
- Howard L. Lemberg and Frank H. Stillinger "Central-force model for liquid water", Journal of Chemical Physics 62 pp. 1677-1690 (1975)
- A. Rahman, F. H. Stillinger and H. L. Lemberg "Study of a central force model for liquid water by molecular dynamics", Journal of Chemical Physics 63 pp. 5223-5230 (1975)
- F. H. Stillinger and A. Rahman "Revised central force potentials for water", Journal of Chemical Physics 68 pp. 666-670 (1978)
- Der-Ming Duh, Donna N. Perera, and A. D. J. Haymet "Structure and properties of the CF1 central force model of water: Integral equation theory", Journal of Chemical Physics 102 pp. 3736-3746 (1995)