Ornstein-Zernike relation

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  • is the pair distribution function.
  • is the pair potential acting between pairs.
  • is the total correlation function .
  • is the direct correlation function.
  • is the indirect (or series or chain) correlation function .
  • is the cavity correlation function
  • is the bridge function.
  • is the thermal potential, .
  • is the [[Mayer -function]], defined as .

The Ornstein-Zernike relation (OZ) integral equation is

where denotes a functional of . This relation is exact. This is complemented by the closure relation

Note that depends on , and depends on . Because of this must be determined self-consistently. This need for self-consistency is characteristic of all many-body problems. (Hansen \& McDonald \S 5.2 p. 106) For a system in an external field, the OZ has the form (5.2.7)

If the system is both homogeneous and isotropic, the OZ relation becomes (\cite{KNAW_1914_17_0793} Eq. 6)

In words, this equation (Hansen \& McDonald \S 5.2 p. 107)

``...describes the fact that the total correlation between particles 1 and 2, represented by , 
is due in part to the direct correlation between 1 and 2, represented by , but also to the indirect correlation,  
, propagated via increasingly large numbers of intermediate particles."

Notice that this equation is basically a convolution, i.e.

(Note: the convolution operation written here as is more frequently written as ) This can be seen by expanding the integral in terms of (here truncated at the fourth iteration):

etc. Diagrammatically this expression can be written as \cite{PRA_1992_45_000816}: \begin{figure}[H] \begin{center} \includegraphics[clip,height=30pt,width=350pt]{oz_diag.eps} \end{center} \end{figure} \noindent where the bold lines connecting root points denote functions, the blobs denote functions. An arrow pointing from left to right indicates an uphill path from one root point to another. An `uphill path' is a sequence of Mayer bonds passing through increasing particle labels. The OZ relation can be derived by performing a functional differentiation of the grand canonical distribution function (HM check this).
