Water-methanol mixture
The mixture of water and methanol is very interesting as it has a minimum in the partial molar volume.
- Related reading
- Jiří Kolafa and Ivo Nezbeda "Monte Carlo simulations on primitive models of water and methanol", Molecular Physics 61 pp. 161-175 (1987)
- G. Pálinkás and I. Bakó "Excess Properties of Water-Methanol Mixtures as Studied by MD Simulations", Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A 46 pp. 95-99 (1991)
- Mitsuhiro Matsumoto, Yuji Takaoka and Yosuke Kataoka "Liquid–vapor interface of water–methanol mixture. I. Computer simulation", Journal of Chemical Physics 98 pp. 1464- (1993)
- Erik J. W. Wensink, Alex C. Hoffmann, Paul J. van Maaren and David van der Spoel "Dynamic properties of water/alcohol mixtures studied by computer simulation", Journal of Chemical Physics 119 pp. 7308-7317 (2003)
- Filip Moučka and Ivo Nezbeda "Partial molar volume of methanol in water: Effect of polarizability", Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications 74 pp. 559-563 (2009)
- Dario Corradini, Zhiqiang Su, H. Eugene Stanley, and Paola Gallo " A molecular dynamics study of the equation of state and the structure of supercooled aqueous solutions of methanol", Journal of Chemical Physics 137 184503 (2012)
- D. González-Salgado, K. Zemánková, E. G. Noya and E. Lomba "Temperature of maximum density and excess thermodynamics of aqueous mixtures of methanol", Journal of Chemical Physics 144 184505 (2016)
- Martina Požar, Ariadni Kerasidou, Bernarda Lovrinčević, Larisa Zoranić, Marijana Mijaković, Tomislav Primorac, Franjo Sokolić, Victor Teboul and Aurélien Perera "The microscopic structure of cold aqueous methanol mixtures", Journal of Chemical Physics 145 144502 (2016)
- Miguel A. Caro, Tomi Laurila, and Olga Lopez-Acevedo "Accurate schemes for calculation of thermodynamic properties of liquid mixtures from molecular dynamics simulations", Journal of Chemical Physics 145 244504 (2016)