Flexible hard sphere chains
Flexible hard sphere chains (sometimes known as the pearl-necklace model) [1].
- Related reading
- C. Vega, J. M. Labaig, L. G. MacDowell, and E. Sanz "The virial coefficients of the pearl-necklace model", Journal of Chemical Physics 113 pp. 10398-10409 (2000)
- R. Ni, and M. Dijkstra "Effect of bond length fluctuations on crystal nucleation of hard bead chains", Soft Matter 9 pp. 365-369 (2013)
- Farzad Alavi and Farzaneh Feyzi "The equation of state of flexible chains of tangent hard spheres at high-density region from simulation and thermodynamic perturbation theory", Journal of Chemical Physics 138 024903 (2013)