Loschmidt's paradox

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Loschmidt's paradox (or reversibility paradox or Umkehreinwand) was proposed by Johann Josef Loschmidt (Refs 1-2) in response to the H-theorem of Boltzmann.


  1. J. Loschmidt "", Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien 73 pp. 139- (1876)
  2. J. Loschmidt "", Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien 75 pp. 67- (1877)
  3. Brad Lee Holian, William G. Hoover and Harald A. Posch "Resolution of Loschmidt’s paradox: The origin of irreversible behavior in reversible atomistic dynamics", Physical Review Letters 59 pp. 10-13 (1987)