Linear isothermal regularity
The linear isothermal regularity was discovered by Parsafar in 1991. It suggests that vs is linear. This led to a new Van der Waals like equation of state (Ref. 2 Eq. 8):
- Gholam Abbas Parsafar "Deriving the Equation of State for Liquids and Extension of the Principle of Corresponding States", Journal of Sciences, Islamic Republic of Iran 2 pp. 111-123 (1991)
- Gholam Abbas Parsafar and E. A. Mason "Linear isotherms for dense fluids: a new regularity", Journal of Physical Chemistry 97 pp. 9048-9053 (1993)
- Mohammad Shokouhi and Gholam Abbas Parsafar "A new equation of state derived by the statistical mechanical perturbation theory", Fluid Phase Equilibria 264 pp. 1-11 (2008)