Germanium has a polyamorphic phase transition.
- K. H. Smith, E. Shero, A. Chizmeshya, and G. H. Wolf "The equation of state of polyamorphic germania glass: A two-domain description of the viscoelastic response", Journal of Chemical Physics 102 pp. 6851-6857 (1995)
- Murat Durandurdu and D. A. Drabold "First-order pressure-induced polyamorphism in germanium", Physical Review B 66 041201 (2002)
- Emiliano Principi, Andrea Di Cicco, Frédéric Decremps, Alain Polian, Simone De Panfilis and Adriano Filipponi "Polyamorphic transition of germanium under pressure", Physical Review B 69 201201(R) (2004)