Ewald sum

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The Ewald sum technique [1] was originally developed by Paul Ewald to evaluate the Madelung constant [2]. It is now widely used in order to simulate systems with long range interactions (typically, electrostatic interactions). Its aim is the computation of the interaction of a system with periodic boundary conditions with all its replicas. This is accomplished by the introduction of fictitious "charge clouds" that shield the charges. The interaction is then divided into a shielded part, which may be evaluated by the usual means, and a part that cancels the introduction of the clouds, which is evaluated in Fourier space.


In a periodic system one wishes to evaluate the internal energy (Eq. 1.1 [3]):

where one sums over all the simple cubic lattice points . The prime on the first summation indicates that if then the term is omitted. is the length of the side of the cubic simulation box, is the number of particles, and represent the Euler angles.

Particle mesh


Smooth particle mesh (SPME)

[5] [6]

See also


Related reading

External resources