Charged hard spherocylinders
Charged or dipolar hard spherocylinders.
- Related reading
- J. J. Weis, D. Levesque, and G. J. Zarragoicoechea "Orientational order in simple dipolar liquid-crystal models", Physical Review Letters 69 pp. 913-916 (1992)
- D. Levesque, J. J. Weis, and G. J. Zarragoicoechea "Monte Carlo simulation study of mesophase formation in dipolar spherocylinders", Physical Review E 47 pp. 496-505 (1993)
- J. J. Weis, D. Levesque, and G. J. Zarragoicoechea "Singlet orientational distribution function and dielectric permittivity of dipolar spherocylinders in the nematic phase", Molecular Physics 80 pp. 1077-1091 (1993)
- Simon C McGrother, Alejandro Gil-Villegas and George Jackson "The liquid-crystalline phase behaviour of hard spherocylinders with terminal point dipoles", Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 8 pp. 9649-9655 (1996)
- Alejandro Gil-Villegas, Simon C McGrother and George Jackson "Reaction-field and Ewald summation methods in Monte Carlo simulations of dipolar liquid crystals", Molecular Physics 92 pp. 723-734 (1997)
- Alejandro Gil-Villegas, Simon C. McGrother and George Jackson "Chain and ring structures in smectic phases of molecules with transverse dipoles", Chemical Physics Letters 269 pp. 441-447 (1997)
- Simon C McGrother, Alejandro Gil-Villegas and George Jackson "The effect of dipolar interactions on the liquid crystalline phase transitions of hard spherocylinders with central longitudinal dipoles", Molecular Physics 95 pp. 657-673 (1998)
- Alejandro Gil-Villegas and George Jackson "Computer simulation of dipolar liquid crystals", Journal of Molecular Liquids 76 pp. 171-181 (1998)
- Carlos Avendaño, Alejandro Gil-Villegas and Enrique González-Tovar "Computer simulation of charged hard spherocylinders", Journal of Chemical Physics 128 044506 (2008)
- Guadalupe Jiménez-Serratos, Carlos Avendaño, Alejandro Gil-Villegas and Enrique González-Tovar "Computer simulation of charged hard spherocylinders at low temperatures", Molecular Physics iFirst (2011)