Hard core Yukawa potential

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The hard core Yukawa potential has two forms, the attractive Yukawa potential:

and the repulsive form

where is the intermolecular pair potential, is the distance between site 1 and site 2, is the hard diameter, is the energy well depth (), and is a parameter that controls the interaction range ().

The repulsive form has been used to study charge-stabilised colloid-colloid interactions.

Critical point

For the attractive form of the potential, from a study of the law of corresponding states, one has (Eq. 3 in [1])

and (Eq. 4)


The repulsive form of the potential has no critical point.

Triple points

The triple points for this model have been studied by Azhar and co-workers [2].

Virial coefficients

For the attractive form of the potential the virial coefficients have been calculated by Naresh and Singh [3].

Phase diagram

Main article: Phase diagram of the Yukawa potential

Two-term Yukawa potentials

Both the attractive and the repulsive form have been combined to produce the hard-sphere plus two Yukawa potential (H2Y) [4].


Related reading