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Silicon (Si)

Models of silicon

Stillinger-Weber model

Tersoff potential

Melting point

Yoo et al have calculated the melting point to be at zeo pressure

Polyamorphism in silicon

Silicon is a polyamorphic system.

  1. Sudip K. Deb, Martin Wilding, Maddury Somayazulu and Paul F. McMillan "Pressure-induced amorphization and an amorphous–amorphous transition in densified porous silicon", Nature 414 pp. 528-530 (2001)
  2. Srikanth Sastry and C. Austen Angell "Liquid–liquid phase transition in supercooled silicon", Nature Materials 2 pp. 739 - 743 (2003)
  3. Philippe Beaucage and Normand Mousseau "Liquid–liquid phase transition in Stillinger–Weber silicon", Jorunal of Physics: Condensed Matter 17 pp. 2269-2279 (2005)
  4. N. Jakse and A. Pasturel "Dynamic aspects of the liquid-liquid phase transformation in silicon", Journal of Chemical Physics 129 104503 (2008)


  1. L. Goodwin, A. J. Skinner and D. G. Pettifor "Generating Transferable Tight-Binding Parameters: Application to Silicon", Europhysics Letters 9 pp. 701-706 (1989)