Square shoulder + square well model

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The Square shoulder + square well model consists, as its name suggests, of a combination of the square shoulder model and the square well model. The model is given by

where is the intermolecular pair potential, and are the well depths, is the distance between site 1 and site 2 where , σ is the hard core diameter and

Critical points

See Ref. 2.

Liquid-liquid transition

For certain parameter sets the square shoulder + square well model has a liquid-liquid transition.


  1. Andreas Lang, Gerhard Kahl, Christos N Likos, Hartmut Löwen and Martin Watzlawek "Structure and thermodynamics of square-well and square-shoulder fluids", Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 11 pp. 10143-10161 (1999)
  2. W. Rzysko, O. Pizio, A. Patrykiejew, and S. Sokolowski "Phase diagram of a square-shoulder, square-well fluid revisited", Journal of Chemical Physics 129 124502 (2008)
  3. Shiqi Zhou, A. Lajovic, and A. Jamnik "Local structures of fluid with discrete spherical potential: Theory and grand canonical ensemble Monte Carlo simulation", Journal of Chemical Physics 129 124503 (2008)