Darwin-Fowler method

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The Darwin-Fowler method.


  1. Charles Galton Darwin and Ralph H. Fowler "On the partition of energy", Philosophical Magazine 44 pp. 450-479 (1922)
  2. Charles Galton Darwin and Ralph H. Fowler "On the partition of energy - Part II Statistical principles and thermodynamics", Philosophical Magazine 44 pp. 823-842 (1922)
  3. Charles Galton Darwin and Ralph H. Fowler "Fluctuations in an assembly in statistical equilibrium", Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 21 pp. 391-404 (1923)
  4. Charles Galton Darwin and Ralph H. Fowler "Some refinements of the theory of dissociation equilibria", Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 21 pp. 730-745 (1923)