Hard hexagon lattice model

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The hard hexagon model has been studied extensively by Baxter and co-workers (Refs. 1-3).

Disordered regime

The equation of state and the isothermal compressibility for the hard hexagon model in the disordered regime are given in Ref. 4.


  1. R. J. Baxter "Hard hexagons: exact solution", Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 13 pp. L61-L70 (1980)
  2. R. J. Baxter and S. K. Tsang "Entropy of hard hexagons", Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 13 pp. 1023-1030 (1980)
  3. Rodney J. Baxter "Exactly Solved Models in Statistical Mechanics", Academic Press (1982) ISBN 0120831821 Chapter 14 (freely available pdf)
  4. M. P. Richey and C. A. Tracy "Equation of state and isothermal compressibility for the hard hexagon model in the disordered regime", Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 20 pp. L1121-L1126 (1987)