Inverse Monte Carlo
- Inverse Monte Carlo refers to the numerical techniques to solve the
so-called inverse problem in fluids.
- Given the structural information (distribution functions) the inverse Monte
Carlo technique tries to compute the corresponding interaction potential
- Some examples of these techniques can be found in the following references
Uniqueness theorem
The uniqueness theorem is due to Henderson (Ref. 3).
- N. G. Almarza and E. Lomba, "Determination of the interaction potential from the pair distribution function: An inverse Monte Carlo technique", Phys. Rev. E 68, 011202 (2003) (6 pages)
- N. G. Almarza, E. Lomba, and D. Molina. "Determination of effective pair interactions from the structure factor", Phys. Rev. E 70, 021203 (2004) (5 pages)
- R. L. Henderson "A uniqueness theorem for fluid pair correlation functions", Physics Letters A 49 pp. 197-198 (1974)