Computational implementation of integral equations
Integral equations are solved numerically. One has the Ornstein-Zernike relation, and a closure relation, (which incorporates the bridge function ). The numerical solution is iterative;
- trial solution for
- calculate
- use the Ornstein-Zernike relation to generate a new etc.
Note that the value of is local, i.e. the value of at a given point is given by the value of at this point. However, the Ornstein-Zernike relation is non-local. The way to convert the Ornstein-Zernike relation into a local equation is to perform a (fast) Fourier transform (FFT). Note: convergence is poor for liquid densities. (See Ref.s 1 to 6).
Picard iteration
Ng acceleration
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- Stanislav Labík, Anatol Malijevský and Petr Voncaronka "A rapidly convergent method of solving the OZ equation", Molecular Physics 56 pp. 709-715 (1985)
- F. Lado "Integral equations for fluids of linear molecules I. General formulation", Molecular Physics 47 pp. 283-298 (1982)
- F. Lado "Integral equations for fluids of linear molecules II. Hard dumbell solutions", Molecular Physics 47 pp. 299-311 (1982)
- F. Lado "Integral equations for fluids of linear molecules III. Orientational ordering", Molecular Physics 47 pp. 313-317 (1982)
- Enrique Lomba "An efficient procedure for solving the reference hypernetted chain equation (RHNC) for simple fluids" Molecular Physics 68 pp. 87-95 (1989)