SPC/Fw model of water

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The SPC/Fw is a flexible variant of the rigid SPC model for water ?UNIQe38642ba9c2515d0-ref-00000023-QINU?. This model has also been re-parametrised for quantum simulations, adopting the name q-SPC/Fw ?UNIQe38642ba9c2515d0-ref-00000024-QINU?. The model is given by the intra-molecular component (Eq. 2 of ?UNIQe38642ba9c2515d0-ref-00000025-QINU?):


and the inter-molecular component (Eq. 3 of ?UNIQe38642ba9c2515d0-ref-00000027-QINU?):


The parameters for both of these models are given in the following table (Table I of ?UNIQe38642ba9c2515d0-ref-00000029-QINU?):

Model ?UNIQe38642ba9c2515d0-math-0000002A-QINU? ?UNIQe38642ba9c2515d0-math-0000002B-QINU? (Å) ?UNIQe38642ba9c2515d0-math-0000002C-QINU? ?UNIQe38642ba9c2515d0-math-0000002D-QINU? (deg) ?UNIQe38642ba9c2515d0-math-0000002E-QINU? (Å) ?UNIQe38642ba9c2515d0-math-0000002F-QINU? (kcal mol-1) q(O) (e) q(H) (e)
SPC/Fw 1059.162 1.012 75.90 113.24 3.165492 0.1554253 -0.82 0.41
q-SPC/Fw 1059.162 1.000 75.90 112.0 3.165492 0.1554252 -0.84 0.42

where the units of ?UNIQe38642ba9c2515d0-math-00000030-QINU? and ?UNIQe38642ba9c2515d0-math-00000031-QINU? are kcal.mol-1Å-2.

Dielectric constant

The dielectric constant has been calculated by Raabe and Sadus ?UNIQe38642ba9c2515d0-ref-00000032-QINU?.



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