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The '''Gay-Berne''' model is used extensively in simulations of [[liquid crystals | liquid crystalline]] systems. The Gay-Berne model
The '''Gay-Berne''' model is used extensively in simulations of [[liquid crystals | liquid crystalline]] systems. The Gay-Berne model
is an anistropic form of the [[Lennard-Jones model | Lennard-Jones 12:6 potential]].
is an anistropic form of the [[Lennard-Jones model | Lennard-Jones 12:6 potential]].
<math>U_{ij}^{\mathrm LJ/GB} =
4 \epsilon_0^{\mathrm LJ/GB}
[\epsilon^{\mathrm LJ/GB}]^{\mu}
( {\mathbf {\hat u}}_j , {\mathbf {\hat r}}_{ij} )
\times  \left[ \left(
\frac{\sigma_0^{\mathrm LJ/GB}
r_{ij} -
\sigma^{\mathrm LJ/GB}
({\mathbf {\hat{u}}}_j, {\mathbf {\hat{r}}}_{ij} )
+ {\sigma_0}^{\mathrm LJ/GB}
\sigma_0^{\mathrm LJ/GB}
r_{ij} -
\sigma^{\mathrm LJ/GB}
({\mathbf {\hat{u}}}_j, {\mathbf {\hat{r}}}_{ij} )
+ {\sigma_0}^{\mathrm LJ/GB}
where, in the limit of one of the particles being spherical, gives:
:<math>\sigma^{\mathrm LJ/GB} ({\mathbf {\hat{u}}}_j, {\mathbf {\hat{r}}}_{ij} ) ={\sigma_0}{[1 - \chi \alpha^{-2}
{({\mathbf {\hat{r}}}_{ij} \cdot  {\mathbf {\hat{u}}}_j )}^{2}]}^{-1/2}</math>
:<math>\epsilon^{\mathrm LJ/GB}({\mathbf {\hat{u}}}_j, {\mathbf {\hat{r}}}_{ij} ) ={\epsilon_0}{[1 - \chi\prime  \alpha\prime^{-2}
{({\mathbf {\hat{r}}}_{ij} \cdot  {\mathbf {\hat{u}}}_j )}^{2}]}</math>
:<math>\frac{\chi \prime }{\alpha \prime^{2}}=1- {\left(\frac{\epsilon_{ee}}{\epsilon_{ss}}\right)} ^{\frac{1}{\mu}}.</math>
#[  J. G. Gay and B. J. Berne "Modification of the overlap potential to mimic a linear site–site potential", Journal of Chemical Physics '''74''' pp. 3316-3319  (1981)]
#[  J. G. Gay and B. J. Berne "Modification of the overlap potential to mimic a linear site–site potential", Journal of Chemical Physics '''74''' pp. 3316-3319  (1981)]

Revision as of 11:04, 3 October 2007

The Gay-Berne model is used extensively in simulations of liquid crystalline systems. The Gay-Berne model is an anistropic form of the Lennard-Jones 12:6 potential. where, in the limit of one of the particles being spherical, gives:





  1. J. G. Gay and B. J. Berne "Modification of the overlap potential to mimic a linear site–site potential", Journal of Chemical Physics 74 pp. 3316-3319 (1981)
  2. Douglas J. Cleaver, Christopher M. Care, Michael P. Allen, and Maureen P. Neal "Extension and generalization of the Gay-Berne potential" Physical Review E 54 pp. 559 - 567 (1996)
  3. Enrique De Miguel "Reexamining the phase diagram of the Gay-Berne fluid", Molecular Physics 100 pp. 2449-2459 (2002)
  4. Julian T. Brown, Michael P. Allen, Elvira Martín del Río and Enrique de Miguel "Effects of elongation on the phase behavior of the Gay-Berne fluid", Physical Review E 57 pp. 6685 - 6699 (1998)